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Thursday, September 23, 2004

Making Sri Lanka a disabled friendly nation: ETD Dirijaya Awards 2004 "They don’t need sympathy-Just equal opportunities!" by Renuka Basnayake

We are all born equal. What makes us different is our different abilities and our different aspect towards life. No one likes being in the dark, no matter how small and outcast one might feel .We all have equal needs and want to be treated equally. And loved , accepted and recognized for who we are as individuals, not as a weak link of society.

In Sri Lanka , over 1.7 million people are physically or mentally handicapped. And society chooses to treat them as different individuals altogether, sympathizing and making charitable donations on behalf of their needs. But they too are human, with a soul and heart, that wants to be identified as one with others. They are of great talent and skill. And its about time, that the rest of society open up their hearts to recognize them for who they are and celebrate their achievements, even with their disabilities.

One Organization has come forward to help the rest of society open their eyes and souls in accepting and recognizing these skilled individuals. The Management Club (TMC). TMC is a first of its kind in Sri Lanka comprising membership of over 200 professionals representing a cross-section of different business disciplines .Located at The Galle Face Hotel, The Management Club was launched under the auspices of the Chartred Management Institute UK-Sri Lanka Branch on the 12th of February 2002.

The Management Club has decided to concentrate on the much talked about but less addressed subject of disability, by taking on the challenge to create the Enable The Disabled - Making Sri Lanka disabled friendly nation (ETD) programme.

Hence, TMC wants to bring awareness to the community on these special individuals, by conducting several programs to raise the awareness of otherwise able people, specially among the business community and also help find suitable job opportunities for both skilled and unskilled people with disabilities. These efforts have resulted in satisfied employers due to high productivity of these individuals in employment.

TMC, supported by the Galle Face Hotel, hosted a concert by a Swiss band, made up of musicians who were mentally handicapped who have proved a Victory of Music over handicap-and that disabilities don’t restrict their talents in any way.

TMC in its pursuit to create public awareness of the abilities of disabled community of Sri Lanka, to acknowledge and recognize those individuals for their respective talents and achievements and to celebrate their triumph over their handicap has organized the DIRIJAYA AWARDS to recognize and celebrate their achievement to coincide with the Disability Week in December.

The awards will be presented to individuals with disabilities or organizations who have broken barriers through their efforts in support of ETD’s objective of MAKING SRI LANKA A DISABLED FRIENDLY NATION.

The National Dirijaya Awards 2004, will be held on the 7th of December at 4.30 p.m. at the Galle Face Hotel. Sponsors are The Galle Face Hotel, SINGER Sri Lanka.

The DIRIJAYA Awards will be given for,

`95 Enterpreneurship

Achievements in Creative and Performing Arts

`95Achievements in Sports

`95Academic achievements

`95Professional achievements

`95Distinguished services to the disabled community and

`95Friendly organizations.

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  • My name is Phoenix Project
  • From Colombo, Western, Sri Lanka
  • This blog concerns the Sri Lankans fight against LTTE terrorism.LTTE is a ruthless terror outfit which fights for an ethnically pure, separate Tamil homeland for Tamils living in Sri Lanka since 1983. The outfit is well known for its extreme tribalism and nefarious crimes against soft targets specially the women and children. During its two and half decade long terrorist war against Sri Lankan people, LTTE has killed over 70,000 people mostly civilians in its ethnic cleansing raids, indiscriminate bomb attacks, suicide blasts, etc. LTTE is also in top of the UN's list of shame for using child soldiers in war. As a tactical measure the outfit uses only young female cadres and male child soldiers for the front lines.

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