The impact of audio-visual media by R. Somasiri
The radio discussion held recently on the above subject with the participation of a University lecturer is commendable, because the facts emerged out of that discussion are very important.
It is an accepted fact that radio played a very important role in the past, by moulding the characters of children and adults inculcating values and virtues into their minds. It is not only the children but also adults who learnt a lot from radio programmes. We know through experience that it increased their imaginative power. The examples set by certain dramas and stories are still etched in our memory. e.g. "Muwanpellessa"
With the introduction of the audio-visual media, the people held the view that it was a success achieved by the modern society, for the development of the people. But, we are aware that the impact that can be made on the human mind, for better or worse, is greater than other media e.g. Newspapers. That is why the ancient people said that they closed their eyes and ears to get rid of some evils or unpleasant incidents. This act of closing eyes and ears helped them to forget or refrain from such evils. Unfortunately, TV has invaded every sphere of society in the name of development, so powerfully that we cannot get rid of social evils by mere closing our eyes or ears.
According to Sociologists, media is considered to be one of the secondary social institutions that is essential for the socialization of children so that they can be fitted into the modern society. However, today many people do not think much of this sociolisation process because TV is dominated by a set of business class who handles it for the sale of their products in the form of advertisements for profit-making. As a result, this process has led to the erosion of our values and virtues and people have been trained to assess everything in terms of money. Almost everything that appears on TV has become a commercial item.
When it comes to considering the negative impact of audio-visual media, it needs hardly be mentioned here the opinion of one American intellectual. He has stated that he loves America if two evils are removed from that society: One is Mafia organisation and the other the Television. This statement goes to prove that TV can make a great negative impact on the minds of people.
It is said that Japan introduced TV to Sri Lanka for educational purposes. Let alone Sri Lanka, but the business class all over the world has invaded every aspect of societies through this media, keeping the audience as passive on lookers or consumers on most occasions. In spite of the fact that the International Children’s Day is commemorated on the 1st of October every year throughout the world, stressing the importance of preserving children’s rights and their due protection, Adults do not seem to have understood the negative impact that is made on the minds of children through this media.
The attitude adopted by our immediate neighbour, India is an example for us, when it comes to preserving the traditional values and virtues that are enshrined in their culture. According to the scholars, when the films like ‘Mahabarata’ and ‘Ramayanaya’ are shown on TV’s, many viewers watch them without switching on to other channels. The Indians are said to have been duly anchored to their traditional values and virtues. Unfortunately we have not used to such habits.
As a result, the imaginative power of the children is distorted mainly due to commercial advertizing. Many school going children are used in advertisements for the purpose of selling and promoting their products at the expense of the creative ability of the children. In this way, the adults have deprived them of their due rights through this media, according to the scholars.
What is essential is to animate our traditional values and virtues through the media. This is the role of the media, according to many intellectuals.
R. Somasiri,