Sethsamudaram Canal and Indo-Lanka land bridge by Malith Mendis , Chief Executive/Director , Lanka Hydraulic Institute Ltd
The exact effects of the proposed Sethsamudaram Canal are difficult to be established as inadequate oceanographic data such as wave, current and wind data in the area of the Adams’s bridge/Palk Strait are available. However with the data available’ it is more likely that this canal will not be a "Zero Environmental Impact" project as the net water exchange between the north and the south of Adam’s bridge would likely to be affected.
The data available show that the Adam’s bridge region acts as a barrier in water exchange resulting in a lag in tidal levels between north and south of Adam’s bridge.
The Lanka Hydraulic Institute (LHI), Consultants in Coastal Engineering, Water Resources and Urban Water, is of the view that long term data and studies would be necessary to ascertain the exact impacts of the project on both countries. LHI is also of the view that a Palk Strait navigational channel should be looked at in conjunction with the proposed fixed link (bridge) between tndia and Sri Lanka.
A proposal of the Indo-Lanka fixed link at Adam’s bridge consists of a high bridge section above a navigational channel created by adequate dredging. This dredged material is used to link and raise above sea level those submerged islands in the Adam’s bridge on either end of the high bridge. This results in a "zero environmental impact" proposal as the net water exchange between North and South will be maintained at present natural level. Further this navigational channel below the High bridge would be in the Sea boundary between India and Sri Lanka and hence would be an advantageous navigational channel for both countries. An example of such a "zero environmental impact" multi-purpose development is the recently completed Oresund link between Denmark and Sweden.
Therefore, gathenng and sharing of data should be carried out by both countries over a period of many years in order to better understand the oceanographic and coastal processes in this Palk strait region. Based on this gathered data adequate testing modeling studies have to be carried out to ascertain the impacts on both countries of any development projects proposed in this region. LHI believes that data gathering and required studies should be started now if any developments are to take place in the latter part ofthis decade.
The LHI is supportive of Sri Lanka’s position opposing the, canal project at this juncture due to inadequate impact assessments on Sri Lanka. It is also of the view that a navigational channel in the elk Strait should be looked at together with a fixed link (bridge) between Sri Lanka and India and any developments in the region should not only have minimum impacts but also be of advantage to both countries.
The LHI maintains a state of the art Hydraulic Laboratory in Moratuwa and is currently engaged in Hydraulic studies of the proposed new Colombo South Harbour and in the salinity study, of the Walawe Ganga.